Monday, December 6, 2010

What a wild ride!

Hi everyone!

I just returned from Disney's Wide World of Sports where my daughter's cheerleading squad placed 6th in the nation. It was an exhausting, but very exciting, weekend. I hope the kids did well today when I was out, but they are such a great group that I'm sure they were fantastic!
Please remember to sign and return the progress reports you received on Friday (if you haven't already). I am starting to see a downturn in the number of homework packets that are being returned on Fridays. Please make sure that your child is doing his/her homework nightly. It is a reinforcement of the skills that we are covering in class. It is especially important that your child is reading on a nightly basis and that you are asking him/her questions about the reading. Also, please remember to help your child study for the spelling tests on Friday. We practice these words in class, but it is also important for them to practice them at home.
Have a wonderful week! Our secret word is a word that we learned about on Friday: poinsettia.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on 6th place! To place at all is a big deal. We missed you in class yesterday, but the sub was a great teacher, so the kids did great. Of course it's because we have such a cool group of kids that are good no matter what, right? :)I'm not partial at all. Just saying, you all would have been proud.


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