Thursday, November 4, 2010


Good afternoon, parents!

Just a quick reminder that we are going to the zoo tomorrow on our field trip. It looks like it might be kind of chilly, so I'm going to tell the children to bring a sweatshirt or a jacket. If it is warmer than expected, they can tie it around their waists. The children do NOT need spending money as we will not be going into the gift shop or riding the train. We have some wonderful volunteers going with us so it should be an excellent field trip!

1 comment:

  1. I feel our children in Ms. Muller's first grade class at Bartram Springs have the greatest teacher. I had to have surgery on Wednesday, Ms. Muller had each child make a get well card for me. Not only did it cheer me up, but made my son feel important. We sat on the hospital bed and he read each one to me. Thank you Ms. Muller for taking such good care of our children. Bartram Springs TEACHER of the YEAR in my book!!


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